Friday, January 9, 2009

Japan vs. Korea

I'm faced with quite a dilemma.┗(;´Д`)┛
I just found out there is this great summer program in Japan that lasts 10 weeks and would be at a language intensive school...
on the other hand...
I've already applied to Korea for the language program there.
So I've turned to blogger to help me visualize my pros and cons...

☆ Part of the EAP program, so transfer credits are guaranteed
☆ I've never been to Korea
☆ I love Korean food
☆ I would be with UC students around my age

★ I don't really know Korean
★ It's really HOT
★ More expensive

☆ I already know a bit of Japanese, so I'd be able to get around easier
☆ I like Japanese food
☆ I really want to achieve some sort of Japanese fluency
☆ It would look good if I decide to apply for the JET program
☆ Cheaper

★ The program is not a part of my school, so credits are not guaranteed
★ Age-range in program is quite vast
★ Japan is overall more expensive (maybe?)

I guess I'll have to talk to my IR major adviser and the Japanese adviser (to make sure this program is legit) to weigh my options.(?(。_。).。o0O??

If there is anyone that still reads this...feel free to weigh in!!
o( ̄Д ̄o)(o ̄Д ̄)o

Apparently...I'm going to Taiwan! International Chinese Language Program at NTU.
And yes. That is my FINAL decision!!

\(^▽^*)So come visit me in Taiwan!!(*^▽^)/

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