Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bikram Yoga

Like I posted in my previous post, one of my goals this year is to get healthy. (||| ×m×)

So far, I've started to eat my meals on time and not miss any of them. I've actually packed lunch (a turkey breast and cheese sandwich) everyday!!

So for the second part of "getting healthy", I wanted to take a P.E. class. That didn't work out too well...(it was too early!! ハァ━(-д-;)━ァ... )

...sooo instead, I started taking yoga.
While searching on daviswiki, I found that there was a yoga studio near my apartment that taught the Bikram style of yoga.

If you don't know what Bikram yoga is, this is the wiki definition:
Bikram's Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga, is a style of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury and a Los Angeles, California based company[1]. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90-minutes.
After one session, I am officially ADDICTED!
I've never sweat so much in my life, and I worked all my muscles.
I plan on going everyday except for Mondays (too many classes that day).
Hopefully, I can keep this up!!
Pray for my willpower!
(人・_・)♡ ♡(・_・人)

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