Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm such a pro and procrastination.
I've got it down to an art form.

Right now I'm looking at lolcats and feeling the pressure to produce a kickass paper by the end of this cram session.
but seriously...the internets is bad for adhd.

The paper is about global warming...sound easy right?
It's about global warming and how the interaction of states plays a role in the formation/non-formation of regimes and whether or not global warming is a collective action situation.
This is a freshman class.
I thought it would be EASY.

I'm pretty sure this paper would have been a lot easier if I started it last week.
DAMN YOU procrastination and adhd!!

Why am I on blogspot.
I knew rehatching this blogging thing would come to no good.

1 comment:

Irene Wen said...

gasp. don't say that. your blogger might hear you!