Sunday, October 19, 2008

My weekend...

On Friday, I went to a peer social at my friend M's house. It was pretty fun for a party that did not include alcohol or dancing. I got to jump on a trampoline...I haven't done that in forever and a day.

Then on Saturday, I decided have some school spirit (which if you know me, you'll know that I have almost no school spirit to begin with) and went to a football game with some co-workers.
It was pretty exciting (probably due to the shots of vodka I took during the pre-game party) and I did a lot of cheering and awkward dancing.
(Awkward) Pictures to come...

And today (Sunday), I have to study for my calculus midterm that is on Monday.
I haven't been going to that class...since it is my only early morning class, and it is SO easy to oversleep.
I also haven't been doing the homework...since the professor does not collect it.
And...I had told myself I would study all this weekend.
So yeah...
I'm pretty much aware that I'm going to fail.

1 comment:

Irene Wen said...

i have a my calc midterm this thursdays. i was up until... really late doing the homework. mmm.. 加油 on calc! hope you do not fail despite your ominous foreboding. (: