Thursday, December 25, 2008


☆*Merry*☆=- ★=- ヽ(^∇^*)ノ -=★ -=☆*X'mas*☆

Merry Christmas to ALL!!

and to my brother...

☆★:゚*☆※>o(≧∇≦)人(≧∇≦)o<※☆:゚*★ ☆

Sunday, December 21, 2008

If you read this...I'm probably stalking you.

Just know my friends...
even if I don't comment on your blogs/facebook/myspace/pictures/etc...
I still care about you and your life.
(●ゝω・)ノ【I love you guys☆】

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


TWO "A's" and a "B+"...
ゎぁぃ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ ゎぁぃ♪
Pretty happy about that!!
Strangely though, I got a B+ in the class that I like the most this quarter.
and the two classes I got A's in...well...let's just say that i rarely attended class.

Now it makes me excited for next quarter!!
I will be taking...
1. Economics 1A - Intro to Microeconomics
2. History 4C - History of Western Civilization
3. Chinese 112 - Intermediate Chinese
4. Psychology 142 - Social and Personality Development
5. P.E. - Weight Training for Beginners (this has to do with my new year's resolution...which I will post sometime closer to the new year...)

Half of the classes are really just freshman courses...since I need to start from the beginning for my new double major.
So it shouldn't be TOO bad. (fingers crossed)

I've also quit one of my jobs (which was a pretty awkward thing to do...since they were like, "why did you quit THIS job instead of the OTHER job?"...), since I was able to attain an internship with the Asian American Disparity Center. I'm happy that everything is going according to plan so far. Now...if only I could get some publications with my name out...that would be excellent.

On a slightly different subject,
My dad doesn't seem too happy with the fact that I'm doubling in International Relations. Nor does he seem to like the fact that I'm a Psychology (non-science degree...a.k.a. A.B. degree) major. He keeps asking me what I'll do with these degrees and what my future is going to be like with such "useless majors" that "ANYBODY can get".
ouch dad. ouch.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

college to-do list.

I found this list of "goals" I had set for myself back when I was still a freshman...
It's pretty interesting to see what I've accomplished and what I still have yet to accomplish.

In no particular order...
1. Run a 5 k Marathon
***Now I want to Run a 10k Marathon
2. Give Blood
***I'll do this annually now...even though I'm terrified of needles :]
3. Skydive
4. Go to SkyZone
5. Go to New York
6. Go to Hawaii
7. Join the Peace Corps
8. Volunteer time abroad during breaks
9. Find Internship that really interests me
***UPDATE 12/12/08: I am interning at the Asian American Disparity Center
10. Go to a football game
***I actually find that I don't hate football as much as I used to...
11. Graduate
12. Study abroad
13. Learn a new language
14. Find something I'm passionate about to major in
***It scares me how perfect my major is for me right now...
15. Get my ears pierced
***I actually got double piercings in each lobe and a cartilage piercing...mission = accomplished :]
16. Get a tattoo
17. Ski
18. Go to Napa Valley for wine tasting
19. Find a job that I don't hate
***I'm really happy right now with my jobs...which makes me sad to say that I have to quit one of them. UCD has some AWESOME people!
20. Grow my hair out for "Locks of Love"
21. 3J's and HAM reunion
***BUT...I want another one!!
22. Join and be active in a club
23. Learn calligraphy
24. Learn how to develop photos
25. Learn how to silkscreen
26. Go to the gym regularly
27. Go to SF
***I want to GO AGAIN!!
28. Go to LA
29. Participate in the "Love Boat" tour of Taiwan
30. Learn Taiwanese
31. Go camping
32. Read a Chinese newspaper (Traditional)
33. Learn Yoga
34. Buy my parents something with my own money
35. Be Content

***I'll probably add more as I go along***

Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Congratulations to the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...

On a sad note...
It doesn't look like No on Prop 8 will win...
which makes me really sad.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Pass Time

I just signed up for all of my winter quarter classes in under 1 minute.
How freaking bomb is that?
And my schedule next year is pretty awesome...
1. History 4C
2. Chinese 112
3. Psychology 142
4. Economics 1A

And I don't start until 11:00 am!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm such a pro and procrastination.
I've got it down to an art form.

Right now I'm looking at lolcats and feeling the pressure to produce a kickass paper by the end of this cram session.
but seriously...the internets is bad for adhd.

The paper is about global warming...sound easy right?
It's about global warming and how the interaction of states plays a role in the formation/non-formation of regimes and whether or not global warming is a collective action situation.
This is a freshman class.
I thought it would be EASY.

I'm pretty sure this paper would have been a lot easier if I started it last week.
DAMN YOU procrastination and adhd!!

Why am I on blogspot.
I knew rehatching this blogging thing would come to no good.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stolen Pictures...

Yay! Go Ags!

See...for real...I sat through a game of football!

Peer Advisers!!

Why do I wink when I'm intoxicated?

I don't know what we were talking about...


Peer Advisers again!

I also throw up peace signs like its the end of the world.

Smexy. lol.

Why is it that I always look the most drunk in pictures?

I honestly don't remember taking this picture.

ASIAN (-w-)Y

Alex joins in on the fun!

AGGIES WIN! celebratory picture in front of the stadium...
We're trying to look gangster...
unfortunately...most of us can't pull it off...especially Marcus.(≧∇≦)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Plans for the future?

(((p(>o<)q))) ギャアアア!!!

I found this emoticon, and I felt that it best described how I feel when people ask me what I plan on doing with a psychology degree and (in case you haven't heard) a international studies degree + Chinese minor. (Yes, I know I'm pretty much insane to declare a double major so late, I may just have to stay an extra quarter...o(TヘT o) )

I'm so tired of my family and other people hassling me about my future...

I know I'm a JUNIOR in college now (you don't know how much that terrifies me).

and Yes.
I know that you're only asking because you want the best for me...

but since when was it a bad thing to have a bachelor's degree?
It's a start right?

On a brighter note...
Since I am trying to double major in International Relations, the school has mandated that I have to study abroad!! (*^-゚)vィェィ♪
(I really love these emoticons...)

So I'm thinking, since the whole Taiwan study abroad thing didn't work out, I just might go ahead and study abroad in Korea.
After all, I like Korean food, I would like to learn Korean...and I really like Korean food.
I'm just going to keep on doing what I want to do, and all the dissenters can just suck it.

And for my readers (all 2.5 of you!!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My weekend...

On Friday, I went to a peer social at my friend M's house. It was pretty fun for a party that did not include alcohol or dancing. I got to jump on a trampoline...I haven't done that in forever and a day.

Then on Saturday, I decided have some school spirit (which if you know me, you'll know that I have almost no school spirit to begin with) and went to a football game with some co-workers.
It was pretty exciting (probably due to the shots of vodka I took during the pre-game party) and I did a lot of cheering and awkward dancing.
(Awkward) Pictures to come...

And today (Sunday), I have to study for my calculus midterm that is on Monday.
I haven't been going to that class...since it is my only early morning class, and it is SO easy to oversleep.
I also haven't been doing the homework...since the professor does not collect it.
And...I had told myself I would study all this weekend.
So yeah...
I'm pretty much aware that I'm going to fail.